It has been widely reported that Reality Winner has made statements about Trump such as ... Calling him an 'Orange Fascist,' posting against his position on the Dakota pipeline, and under an alias account supporting Iran and being against building a wall. According to her Facebook account likes Bernie Sanders.
There is nothing wrong with liking one candidate over another or being critical of positions or policies which one does not like. But when somebody attempts to circumvent the law to achieve what they believe is best for other people that is beyond the pale, or espionage for any reason whatsoever.
The information she released is apparently, or report-ably on classified information on the hack-ability of US elections machines. It should go without saying that to hack the machines somebody would need to be employed and be within the polling station ... having access to each machine.
Winner is presumed innocent until proven guilty, but faces 10 years in a federal prison if convicted of the charge -- “gathering, transmitting or losing defense information,” is contained under Chapter 37 of federal law: Espionage and Censorship. The law went into effect as of February 1, 2010.
Winner admitted when interviewed in the investigation to removing the classified intelligence reporting from her office in Georgia, copying it and mailing it to the news outlet. She allegedly told agents that she knew that she wasn’t allowed to share the intelligence reporting that she obtained, and she was aware that using the information for a news report could cause damage to the U.S. by a foreign nation.
The FBI received the tip from the news outlet that received the document on May 30, saying that it may have received and classified information. The court document said that the reporting was dated by the NSA as May 5. The criminal complaint says the information was postmarked with Augusta, Georgia. Winner was one of six people who had access to the document in question which was found on her computer. Authorities found out that Winner had email contact with the news outlet on March 30 and then again March 31 from her personal GMail account.
In that email, Winner had asked for transcripts of a specific podcast, and a second email confirmed that she had subscribed to the podcast. She allegedly “printed, improperly removed and transmitted classified information from a defense agency of the U.S. government.”
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