Thursday, June 8, 2017

CNN blatantly posts fictional stories.

Here in the first video they are exposed for inventing the testimony Comey was going to present before the congress.

Here in this second video they are staging people for coverage of what they claimed, represented or marketed as a ongoing protest about the London attacks. The video clearly shows that the protest did not start until CNN started the protest, and ended as soon as the camera stopped rolling.

The whole thing looks more like a commercial film production than a news report.

Reality Leigh Winner Politically Motivated? Espionage

It has been widely reported that Reality Winner has made statements about Trump such as ... Calling him an 'Orange Fascist,' posting against his position on the Dakota pipeline, and under an alias account supporting Iran and being against building a wall. According to her Facebook account likes Bernie Sanders. There is nothing wrong with liking one candidate over another or being critical of positions or policies which one does not like. But when somebody attempts to circumvent the law to achieve what they believe is best for other people that is beyond the pale, or espionage for any reason whatsoever.

The information she released is apparently, or report-ably on classified information on the hack-ability of US elections machines. It should go without saying that to hack the machines somebody would need to be employed and be within the polling station ... having access to each machine.

Winner is presumed innocent until proven guilty, but faces 10 years in a federal prison if convicted of the charge -- “gathering, transmitting or losing defense information,” is contained under Chapter 37 of federal law: Espionage and Censorship. The law went into effect as of February 1, 2010.

Winner admitted when interviewed in the investigation to removing the classified intelligence reporting from her office in Georgia, copying it and mailing it to the news outlet. She allegedly told agents that she knew that she wasn’t allowed to share the intelligence reporting that she obtained, and she was aware that using the information for a news report could cause damage to the U.S. by a foreign nation.

The FBI received the tip from the news outlet that received the document on May 30, saying that it may have received and classified information. The court document said that the reporting was dated by the NSA as May 5. The criminal complaint says the information was postmarked with Augusta, Georgia. Winner was one of six people who had access to the document in question which was found on her computer. Authorities found out that Winner had email contact with the news outlet on March 30 and then again March 31 from her personal GMail account.

In that email, Winner had asked for transcripts of a specific podcast, and a second email confirmed that she had subscribed to the podcast. She allegedly “printed, improperly removed and transmitted classified information from a defense agency of the U.S. government.”

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Terror Attacks - and understanding memory is biased towards positive memories.

Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it

Those were the days

  • Fading affect bias: a bias in which the emotion associated with unpleasant memories fades more quickly than the emotion associated with positive events.

The negative events are remembered by the subconscious so in our daily lives we don't need to consciously reflex on them. We get a sense of fear warning us of danger ... in this way fear is a good and useful emotion, not something to be ignored.

Some negative events are because of other people who do not exist in our lives anymore. Other negative events still apply.

The terror event in London will fade. This is OK for them to fade, as long as we respect our subconscious to remind us of the existence of real danger. At which point we can question our memories about why something may be associated with a negative event.

It is perfectly safe to walk across a bridge in a place where there is not a near 51% Muslim population. When the Muslim population of a location exceeds a critical number there are members of the Muslim population who will be triggered to push the population of Muslims to 100%, and this is accomplished by Terrorism.

The trigger event in London was when Sadiq Khan, took up office of major on 9 May 2016. It is perfectly healthy to feel a sense of fear when Muslims exceed 51% ... as it is a trigger point for terrorism.

You are built to survive and have joy. You need not carry the pain, the subconscious can remember for you.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

ADT Corporation, cancels CNN ads

A Twitter user sent ADT a message asking the Florida-based company to “drop CNN.”
“We do not support these views,” ADT responded. “We’ve begun the process of pulling our ads from this network.”

The request to drop CNN that ADT responded to came after the Kathy Griffin incident; However, there has been numerous other incidents leading up to this last one, and has weighed in calling for people to begin requesting advertisers boycott left leaning news sources, (specifically to date ), in response to requests that advertisers boycott right leaning news sources.

There is a culture gap between those who want law and order, those who want jobs, those who want American culture and those who believe America, and capitalism is harmful to the world and the root of all evil.

Companies need to decide, which side they are on, and who their customers are?

Jim Carrey Thinks Kathy Griffin Did Not Go Far Enough

Jim Carrey, who is facing a court case for providing his ex-girlfriend drugs for her suicide in September 2015, Defended Kathy Griffin and said he Fantasizes About Violence Against Trump.

Kathy Griffin and the culture gap

I'm honestly not sure if culture gap is the correct word or if the concept we are seeing here with Kathy Griffin goes beyond the culture gap itself. Time will tell, if those on the left consider her the ISIS of the left and will distance themselves -- like many Muslim people distance themselves from ISIS.

However, disregarding the latest normalization of be-headings by Kathy she was center-neo-left. No one batted an eye when she said: ...

" ... and also to Barron. You know a lot of comics are going to go hard for Donald, my edge is that I’ll go direct for Barron. I’m going to get in ahead of the game.”

In some languages there is a word for laughing when somebody falls down, but I don't believe humanity has ever come up with a word for laughing when people by intent cause suffering of others. The closed word may be gallows humor, but that is not done as comedy.

None the less, according to Kathy Giffen's attorney she is the victim of ?This kind of humor?

Friday, June 2, 2017

Wikileaks, has dropped investigative reporting on collusion between Major News Networks and the Clinton Campaign

Wikileaks has published a list of 65 Reporters That Went To Clinton Campaign Chairman’s House For “Private” Dinners. These were off the record ... one infers that discussions took place relating to events and position strategies of where Clinton's campaign stands on issues. Such that future announcements would not take reporters by shock. Allowing the reporters to get their stories straight and even explain what Clinton indented to say ... if she did not articulate her positions clearly.

The market for news has out stripped New York Times ability to supply news.

New York Times is failing and becoming a none news source. Facebook has more real news that actually effects people.

There has been news reports sourcing anonymous documents, published as news by the New York Times ... followed by critical investigative thought that has determined the information presented from the anonymously sourced documents are false. Makes one wonder if the New York Times is sourcing the Internet ... but searching the internet has determined that the New York Times has another source of fake information.

Now in a recent story the New York Times is reporting on not having a news worthy event.

Trump Appears Unlikely to Hinder Comey’s Testimony About Russia Inquiry

It may be slightly news worthy if Trump were to invoke executive privilege. Slightly because conversations with an attorney are, by their nature, not evidence in legal cases. Everybody from a serious killer to a innocent child has the right to talk with counsel and ask questions for the benefit of a fair legal process. Questions asked to an attorney are not an indication of if somebody did something or not but of that person attempting to understand the legal system.

Invoking privilege may be a slight nuance, but not itself ground breaking or even particularly relevant. But reporting on things that did not happen is not reporting the news.

... Life was not found on Mars today.
... The moon did not change orbit today.
... A monster did not destroy Tokyo today.
... The chicken did not cross the road.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Press climate drama scheduled to begin June 1st, at 3:00 PM

Trump's announcement over the Paris Climate meeting will be held at 3:00PM Thursday, June 1st. Giving pro climate change pundits a day to put together their articles about how the world is about to end because ???

1> People in the US will suddenly start making more carbon? Well the wording will be a little different.

2> The USA will no longer give the leaders of other countries money for not developing their countries and keeping the people in developing countries in poverty? Well the wording will be a little different.

3> Other countries will no longer stay in the climate deal because they are not getting money to do so, and the people in these other countries would rather improve their standard of living? Well the wording will be a little different.

Mostly though all they have to work with is fear that the world will begin to end, again, Thursday at 3:00 PM, which is a good day for them because they can have a two day press blitz until the weak end.

Boycott begets boycott ... USAA facing cancellations over Hanity boycott

In the lastest wave in the battle to control news, or to control what is considered or called news, NGOs on the left have taken to drive advertisers away from conservative personalities.

Of course these NGOs don't purchase products. USAA one of the companies that did purchase ads on Hanity has recently discovered. USAA sells insurance products to people in the Military, and to state the obvious those in the Military do not share the views of the various NGOs who see the US flag as a racist symbol.

According to reports from USAA are informing customers pulling the ads were a mistake ... “There is a big meeting this weekend. Apparently somebody in the organization made a mistake, and they are trying to fix it,” ...

More than that people on the right side of the political spectrum have grown tired of those who would choose for them and decide for them what is and is not news. This disenfranchisement of choice in news has set the stage for a backlash, which seems to have begun. In a fight fire with fire response advertisers are now being asked to stop supporting Rachel Maddow and Morning Joe, Brian Stelter, Stephen Colbert, Michael Smerconish, Don Lemon, Lawrence O’Donnell, Anderson Cooper, George Stephanopolous are all on the list.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Morning people have no idea what covfefe means.

People who stay awake long into the night are very familiar with covfefe.

The term seems to have recently tiggered the main stream media morning shows.